Archive for March, 2012

Phoenix Wright Beanie

Today is my last day of finals. I’m taking a quick break to write up this post, and then I should really get back to studying. There’s a lot of stuff going on…

Anyways, here is the Phoenix Wright hobo hat, as it appears in the the fourth Ace Attorney game! Complete with the :O face button and everything! Compare it with the official Hobohodo art here at


I started knitting this at the beginning of the quarter in January, when I was watching a movie with two of my friends. I was pretty busy during the quarter, but I managed to work in 2 or 3 days where I watched Doctor Who and knit at home. I enjoy having those kinds of quiet, lazy days every so often, as a relaxing break from life.

This was my first time trying to do 2 color knitting that was not in rows, so I had to learn about intarsia and fair isle knitting. At the beginning, I tried to use the fair isle technique, but I couldn’t figure out how to make it work in the round. I ended up doing intarsia, which was still pretty complicated! There were so many butterflies of yarn to keep track of. I know that in some places I got the strands twisted, and knit it out of order, because on the inside there are a few strands of floating yarn. At least it’s on the inside and doesn’t show! Weaving in the ends after I finished with the color block was not fun either. SO MANY ENDS. I’m pretty happy with how it looks in the end though!

Besides knitting with intarsia, this pattern was pretty simple! I used the Classic WWII Watch Cap pattern, slightly modified. For charting the “PaPa” on the hat, I used the typed instructions from here. Since the hat was pretty basic, it was quick to knit up.

For the button, I bought some of those plastic pins from Michaels and inserted a printed out image. For the image, I just used Photoshop to make something similar. I was thinking about purchasing a real button, but decided that the shipping would take too long.

So yup, I finished this earlier in March, so that I was able to gift it to someone. 🙂
I think that it’s pretty cool! For me, the colors are a little bright, and I don’t usually wear hats, but I just love that it’s from Phoenix Wright. I actually have a lot of yarn left over, so if I have time, I might try to make a few more! I think that this would be perfect for a simple cosplay costume.

Anyways, hope that you all enjoyed this update! I recently bought 2 skeins of a green bamboo yarn, but I really should try to knock out some of my longstanding WIPs. I can’t remember which projects that I have lined up right now, so it’s a mystery what my next crafty post will be about! Wish me luck on my finals and misc. stuff, and I’ll hopefully get back to you soon.

Best wishes to anyone else still in the grasp of finals (and also to those who are already free. :P)

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