Archive for May, 2010

i love the world

With day100 just ended, I wanted to post something new here, especially since it’s been so long. Lately, I’ve been under a lot of pressure, and haven’t really found the time to do anything seriously crafty. So, here’s the beginning of a (hopefully) new series featuring people and ideas that I love.

Takahashi Masakazu (via BoingBoing) – papercraft robots, creatures, and more from consumer packaging.

I really like how he upcycles from materials that would otherwise have gone to waste. It’s amazing how he is able to see the potential of each piece to transform. His work actually reminds me of the fanart at the World of Coca Cola, having cars and motorcycles made out of Coca Cola cans. Creative people are simply amazing. On his website, there are a ton of his other creations to see, but here is a small sampling of my favorites:

Yulia Brodskaya – quilling-inspired paper typography.

THIS THIS THIS. I discovered her earlier last year, and have been in love with her work ever since. Her combination of typography and paper was just so unique and it totally hits everything that I fall for.  I’m crazy about her flowy, swirly style, her color combinations, and her concept. This is a very small selection of my favorites from her collection of works, so definitely go check out her website. There are so many amazing and inspirational pieces. You are going to love her, I guarantee.

I really want to do a piece in this style, but why does all my nice paper have to be only single sided color?! I also would love to find somewhere that I can purchase a print or something…

Lena Wolff (postcards available on etsy) – pinpricks, painting and papercraft.

I love her style, her choice of colors, the material she works with. I am in love with the circle motif, but especially the paper feathers. Definitely an inspirational and exciting artist. I’ve linked her website, but you can also purchase her works in postcard form on etsy as well. (BEHIND THE SCENES + INTERVIEW)

Amazing video work! Their concept is so innovative, and I love the scenes that they incorporate. Seeing this makes me want to find the paint chips that I collected, and try to recreate their animated scenes with real paper.

Tyrone Stevenson, aka Baybe Champ, the Scraper Bike King

Seriously, read the interview and watch this video. Inspirational use of DIY to bring out the creative spirit and affect positive change in the East Oakland community. He’s only 20, but has such ambition and vision. GMH. Seeing people who have done so much already makes me want to become a better person, to find a purpose and passion to strive for. I want to change the world.

Scrapertown from California is a place. on Vimeo.

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Popup Birdcage Card/Happy Mother’s Day

I lost my camera last Wednesday, but this Sunday, I woke up and was holding it. I have no idea where it came from, but that was something awesome in the midst of  hell week. Anyways, a belated Mother’s Day post, now that I have pictures! Other pictures available at flickr!

Also, first half of Mother’s Day post here: Kawasaki Rose!

Please excuse any/all no-sleep induced ramblings. 🙂

popup birdcage card (7)

I love this card so much! With all the time and thought invested in making this card, what better occasion than Mother’s Day to give it? Verbally expressing emotions is hard, so I hope that my creative effort can communicate my sincerity and affection instead.


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Kawasaki Rose/Happy Mother’s Day

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Presenting a lovely paper rose bouquet for my mom, with links for inspiration/how to!

Also, second part of Mother’s Day post here: Popup Birdcage Card!

kawasaki roses 3


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random cards (April)

ahhh, I failed at the once/week update goal, but life has been really busy as of the past few weeks (see DD&D for more info). Because of that, arts and crafts projects have mostly been on hold, but here are a few more cards from April with random thoughts. Also, SO sorry to any people I’ve missed doing a card for this year. ><

anh card1
anh card2

I’m pretty happy with this! Totally obsessed with those flourishes and that bracketing swirl. Just wish that I had time to finish it off with an envelope. Would like to work on my penmanship.

priscilla 1
priscilla 2
priscilla 3

Here, I tried something new for the “envelope” part, using a trifolded paper, secured by paper cut belt. It works pretty well, but I don’t know if it would stand up to being put in the post. Favorite part for this is definitely the lettering/numbering. Think I will experiment with the effect of the foil paper backing. Would like to have a gold metallic pen, and see if I can make the pen I have come out with thinner

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